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Đang xem: Hand towel là gì, towel nghĩa là gì trong tiếng anh

We placed seeds in moist cloth towelling and watered them every other day or planted them in a germination garden located at the edge of a 100-m2 gap.
Babies are provided with special clothing and all children receive personal sanitation items, such as soap, towels and tooth brushes.
Sheets and pillow cases are not subject to coupon; the only essential rationed household goods are towels and tea cloths.
A scheme is nearing completion which will enable dairy farmers to obtain towels and udder cloths without surrendering personal clothing coupons.
There are endless examples of sheets, towels, clothing, kettles and anything movable being stolen, but nothing is done.
They would remember that their households needed new carpets, new bath towels or something for the children.
Towels are in heavy demand generally for both home and export markets but all practicable steps are being taken to achieve an increase in output.
I would certainly wish him a series of very cool wet towels to wrap round his head when he is doing this series of sums.
People talk about the provision of hot water, soap and towels and basins in which catering workers can wash their hands.
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