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Đang xem: Câu ví dụ,Định nghĩa và cách sử dụng của stint là gì, stint là gì, nghĩa của từ stint

a 30-day/15-month/10-year, etc. stint Mr Rose”s career has included a 17-year stint working for M&S.
They are spending money where it needs not to be spent, with the result that money is stinted where it ought to be spent.
At the moment, it is largely a matter of chance and history whether a grazing common is stinted or not.
If we succeed in doing that, we shall have all the ingredients on which to work out a later quantification and stinting programme.
On recruiting we have not stinted; we spend £600,000 a year in publicity on this particular matter alone.
The third suggestion was the elimination of “stints,” and the fourth suggestion was that something should be done to reduce absenteeism in the mines.
They saved and stinted because to them there was a nostalgic mystique about owning their own houses.
Money should not be stinted, because it is a matter on which our national interests very largely depend.
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