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Đang xem: Undercover là gì, get undercover có nghĩa là gì

Of particular interest for its aspects of ” sleuthing ” is the story of the undercover agent, recruited to collect evidence while acting as a nurse”s aide.
A gang of badger baiters was trapped by an anti-blood sports undercover agent, who made a video film of the cruelty.
As to the new building”s function, the long, ramped, undercover lead-in will considerably improve the manner in which queuing takes place.
There has been a series of long-term operations, using undercover police and new technology, to ensure the integrity of evidence presented to the courts.
The police have a multitude of different sources from which they can draw; they have informers, undercover agents, and so on.
The allegations were based on the evidence of a sympathiser working undercover at the establishment.
The other was failure to appreciate that the evidence of the undercover officer would almost inevitably be ruled inadmissible because of the inducement offered.
Secondly, under the current arrangements it is difficult to protect from disclosure sensitive material such as the identity of an informant or undercover police officer.
The police who are involved in the dangerous undercover work that leads to such convictions know full well that identity cards are irrelevant.
He should get rid of the commitment to dismantle or run down the special branch whose undercover work is indispensable, as he must know.
Active service is active service, whether it is spent in a regular campaign between opposing forces or in combating undercover and sporadic guerrilla activity.
Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên gocnhintangphat.com gocnhintangphat.com hoặc của gocnhintangphat.com University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

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a person who is extremely skilled at something, especially at playing an instrument or performing

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