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Đang xem: Nghĩa của từ talisman là gì, nghĩa của từ talismans trong tiếng việt

The factory-made watch is “a talisman” (559) and not a reification that conceals its embedded abstractions.
The talisman which he claimed to have lost is none other than the medal which would permit one to recognise the goddess.
It was a talisman of the encounter between the noble and the common, or indeed, between the divine and the human.
The purchase price was double the open market value of the house, thus making this trifling episode a talisman for the squire”s eagerness to control all that he surveyed.
The road map is no magical talisman, but previous talks have also shown how close the two parties can become.
It is most important to remember that science is not a talisman the magic effect of which can be turned on and off.
In my view the price of bread has probably for far too long been the talisman by which the cost of living is measured.
We might reflect for one moment and ask ourselves what is this precious talisman that shines out from this somewhat turgid paper?
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