used to describe someone who shows, especially by what they say, that they understand and care about someone else”s suffering:
She just needed someone who would lend a sympathetic ear to her (= listen to her in a kind and understanding way) once in a while.

Đang xem: Sympathetic là gì, nghĩa của từ sympathetic

If a character in a book or film is sympathetic, they are described or shown in such a way that you are able to understand the character”s feelings, with the result that you like them:

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A sympathetic character in a book or movie is one whose actions are understandable and who is therefore likable.
Central administration of leptin inhibits food intake and activates the sympathetic nervous system in rhesus macaques.
Individual differences in the reactivities of sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the brain”s autonomic centres should therefore also be relevant to the efficiency of socialization.
In contrast, architecture, at least to the sympathetic observer, is an activity that straddles and overcomes such divisions.
Circle illustrated his intense interest in and sympathetic feeling for abstract art, which was dominant throughout his life.
He had been sensitive to the echoing murmur of the mountains, that communicating of sounds destined to intoxicate sympathetic souls.
Each sympathetic candidate exercises its influence on the outcome through its respective sympathy constraint.
Top labor leaders did not want neutral administrators; rather, they desired administrators sympathetic to the unions.
Prior to the 1950s, conservation groups relied on sympathetic federal agency officials to secure scenic areas for preservation and to limit development.
The result, in this poor critic”s mind, was confusion, difficulty of sympathetic identification with the performers, and cultural cognitive dissonance.
There are distinct, separately ranked sympathetic faithfulness constraints on these two correspondence relations.






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