Nâng cao vốn từ vựng của bạn với English Vocabulary in Use từ gocnhintangphat.com.Học các từ bạn cần giao tiếp một cách tự tin.

Đang xem: Là gì? nghĩa của từ sweetie nghĩa là gì, sweetie là gì, nghĩa của từ sweetie

There is no doubt that, like small children let loose in a sweetie shop, some local authorities are thoroughly enjoying themselves at present at great expense to everybody else.
They argue that the industry can have the sweetie of decommissioning only if it is prepared to accept the poisoned pill of this and other legislation.
Sweetie is disappointed because she hates chicken after an incident when she was five, and is angry that she cooked a chicken for nothing.
I would have told him that he could not have the “sweeties” of my words of wisdom having come late to the sport.
We have heard about the little treats that they give children—the extra pair of trainers, the sweeties, the trip to the zoo, the holiday.
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Xem thêm: Đá Ecz Là Gì – Tiêu Chuẩn Đánh Giá Và Ý Nghĩa Của Đá Cz Dhkj

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