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Đang xem: When on surfer là gì trong tiếng việt? surfer là gì, nghĩa của từ surfer

However, surfers can also utilize man-made waves such as those from boat wakes and the waves created in artificial wave pools.
To create the feel of the wave, surfers even sneak into empty backyard swimming pools to ride in, known as pool skating.
Swells wrapping around these points might result in long peeling waves with offshore winds that surfers prefer.
According to the laws of different countries train surfers can be fined for various amounts of money, or even imprisoned for a short time.
He serves as an ambassador of surfing and watersports and occasional lifeguard to other tow-in surfers.
They all agreed that surfing in these conditions, especially since there were no other surfers in the water, was not wise.
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