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Đang xem: Nghĩa của từ succulent là gì, echeveria (hoa Đá, sen Đá)

Blue agave plants grow into large succulents, with spiky fleshy leaves, that can reach over 2m ft in height.
The conservatory is home to a permanent collection which includes trees, cacti, succulents, tropical plants and orchids.
The garden now contains approximately 500 cacti and succulents in 58 beds, broadly divided into two major sections.
The garden has also a lily pond, tropical greenhouse, subtroptical greenhouse, and greenhouse containing about 800 cact and succulents, as well as an aquarium.
Specimens housed in the structure include alpine plants, aquatic plants, cacti and succulents, carnivorous plants, epiphytes, ferns and aroids, tropical fruits, and palms and cycads.
Certain cultivars of azalea, poinsettia, begonia, impatiens, ferns, palms and succulents may also be sensitive.
Separate greenhouses contain ferns, bromeliads, cycads, orchids, carnivorous plants, herb and spice plants, and cacti, euphorbia, and other succulents.
Today the garden contains rare cactus and succulents, bromeliads, orchids, mature trees, and water lily ponds.
Another form occurs when internodes along a stem are shortened, bringing the leaves closer together, as in lettuce and dandelion and some succulents.
Palm trees, bananas, bird-of-paradise, cactus, succulents, orchids, gardenia, and hibiscus thrive here.
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