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Đang xem: Nghĩa của từ stout là gì, nghĩa của từ stout, nghĩa của từ stout trong tiếng việt

No saving in the use of cereals would, therefore, result from any reduction in the strength of proprietary brands of heavy beers and stouts.
Few countries can match us in the range of beers produced—from great cask-conditioned ales to fine lagers, keg beers, stouts, strong ales and barley wines.
Stigmatic clefts (fig. 12, h) very deep and narrow ; the two lateral spines long, stout and bluntly pointed ; marginal spines short, simple.
Stouts were traditionally the generic term for the strongest or stoutest porters, typically 7% or 8%, produced by a brewery.
The smoothness of oatmeal stouts comes from the high content of proteins, lipids, and gums imparted by the use of oats.
Males have a set of forward-projecting stout setae on the lateral margins of the clypeus and two adjacent pairs on the genae.
The hairs of the thoracic segments, which are pointed to the front, grow stouter and longer almost hiding the greyish black head.
Steak and oyster pie may be made with bluff oysters, and may use brewed, alcoholic beverages, such as ales and stouts.
The more insectivorous species have finer bills, whereas those that consume more seeds have stouter bills.
The number of relatively stout, primary dendrites was fewer, although a great many fine branches radiated sinuously from the soma.

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