subprime mortgages/loans/lending This credit crunch was sparked by fears that banks gave out too many subprime mortgages.

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subprime borrower/lender Defaults have climbed sharply on mortgages to subprime borrowers with weak credit histories.

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In the subprime crisis, banks and insurance companies that had been gambling found themselves in difficulties.
I have already expressed criticism about how slow they were in downgrading their credit ratings for structural finance backed up by subprime lending.
To put this into context, the securitised market for credit cards is about as large as the subprime mortgage market.
These securities, backed by the subprime market, were bought on a massive scale by hedge funds mostly domiciled in tax havens, which are exempt from any regulation.
They allowed the subprime crisis to get out of control by continuing to give strong ratings to institutions that had packaged these devious products and sold them on.
Terms such as subprime lending, non-standard consumer credit, and payday loans are often used in connection with this type of consumer finance.
Such companies advertise in the same media as subprime lenders, supplementing this with door to door leaflet drops.
The emergence of subprime loan losses in 2007 began the crisis and exposed other risky loans and over-inflated asset prices.
In 2007, the banking industry had essentially suffered and withstood their subprime lending losses at somewhere around $56 trillion worldwide.
Banks who lend heavily in subprime communities will face higher external finance premiums because the risk from holding assets composed largely of subprime borrowers is relatively high.
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