Nâng cao vốn từ vựng của bạn với English Vocabulary in Use từ gocnhintangphat.com.Học các từ bạn cần giao tiếp một cách tự tin.

Đang xem: Nghĩa của từ went là gì trong tiếng anh? went nghĩa là gì trong tiếng anh

Although it is fair to say nothing went out of the office without my approval, not much would have emerged without their presence and support.
Four of these children with chronically depressed mood went on to develop a major depressive episode as young adults.
However, the greatest tribute is to the author for the half-century of research and many months of writing that went into this work.
The texts we have examined thus far concern the confessions made by soldiers before they went into combat.
The primary difference between those who went on to recurrent hypertensive disease of pregnancy was in the interpregnancy plasma volume and the inter-pregnancy venous capacitance.
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Giới thiệu Giới thiệu Khả năng truy cập gocnhintangphat.com English gocnhintangphat.com University Press Quản lý Sự chấp thuận Bộ nhớ và Riêng tư Corpus Các điều khoản sử dụng
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