Nâng cao vốn từ vựng của bạn với English Vocabulary in Use từ gocnhintangphat.com.Học các từ bạn cần giao tiếp một cách tự tin.
Đang xem: Undergo là gì, nghĩa của từ undergo
present tense undergoes | present participle undergoing | past tense underwent us/ˌʌn·dərˈwent/ | past participle undergone us/ˌʌn·dərˈɡɔn, -ˈɡɑn/
When children attend to the input and repeatedly attempt to parse it, their performance undergoes a qualitative change.
Either the grapheme that is doubled is replaced by another grapheme, which then undergoes doubling, or the doubling feature itself is misordered.
This chapter is particularly interesting for the detailed case studies that follow, which illustrate the changes that children”s phonological systems undergo during treatment.
The first aspect is phonological and relates directly to the asser tion that the inser ted lexeme should undergo a minimum of adjustment.
These are anxiety, stress, pain and, more specifically, distress due to the particular treatments that children are undergoing.
Seeds are conditionally dormant at maturity, and undergo annual non-dormancy/conditional dormancy cycles when buried outdoors.
Along the way, we gain detailed insights into the changes that proofs undergo during cut elimination in the presence of weakening and contraction.
A real understanding of such issues is impossible without first having a firm foundation in the history of the economies that are undergoing these transitions.
Apart from these intellectual developments, archaeology has also undergone in the previous decades dramatic changes in terms of its social and political embeddedness.
Some described how they were able to fall asleep while undergoing chemotherapy; others utilized alternative therapies to alleviate stress and treatment side effects.
Xem thêm: (Ppt) Dạy Học Định Lý Là Gì, Chứng Minh Định Lí, Định Lý Là Gì
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a female bee that cannot produce young but collects food for the other bees that it lives with
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