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Đang xem: Trái nghĩa của tidy là gì, tidy là gì, nghĩa của từ tidy

Conceptually, it may be tidier than the everyday version of the village, but those concepts cannot contain the energy generated by the convergence of these cultural pilgrims.
There may be anomalies in the present married couple”s allowance and there may be ways of tidying it up.
We spent five hours debating a range of narrow amendments, and at the conclusion of the debate we were discussing a tidying amendment.
Is not it about time that this was tidied up, and local authorities were advised to adopt a more practical and simple method?
We shall not get the woods tidied up and replanted, and still less new areas planted, unless we have the labour.
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Xem thêm: Cho Vay Thấu Chi Là Gì ? Có Nên Vay Thấu Chi Hay Không? Vay Thấu Chi Là Gì

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