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Đang xem: Teleworking là gì, (ví dụ và Định nghĩa) vietgle tra từ

Teleworking, telecottages and home-working have attracted widespread interest in the idea that information technology can enable people to work from remote rural locations.
Teleworking provides tremendous opportunities and people do not have to use their cars to travel to work.
Teleworking is capable of making vast changes in people”s lives, reducing the need for commuting, and is already doing so for many people.
Indeed, according to recent figures, the percentage of the workforce who telework has been pretty static for the past couple of years.
Teleworking means people working in various different ways from their own homes rather than in offices or factories.
Developments in telecommunication services will be a key to helping districts far from large towns and cities to stay in touch—for example, through telework.
Teleworking, the more intensive use of communications technologies, changes in working habits, increased mobility – all these have had an effect on the mental health of workers.
It has also been said that those who telework most are those who live furthest from their workplace, so that the reduction in pollution is more than pro rata.
Telework centers are attractive to people who do not have the space or inclination to work from home.
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