Nâng cao vốn từ vựng của bạn với English Vocabulary in Use từ gocnhintangphat.com.Học các từ bạn cần giao tiếp một cách tự tin.

Đang xem: Swatch là gì, nghĩa của từ swatch, swatch son môi: nó là gì

a small piece of cloth that is used to show customers an example of the colour and type of cloth available for curtains, furniture, etc.:
They requested that the brother give them a swatch of his clothing so that they could carry out the cure.
These interviews suggest that it may not be just isolated incidents involving suffering which are kept out of awareness but large swatches of personal history, many dealing with loss.
Successful social politics are those that cover “broad swatches of the citizenry” and whose benefits are viewed “as honourable for all citizens to receive” (p. 32).
It considered a swatch of reports which suggested that there were aspects of the drug that bore examination.
I know that this is a very complicated-looking swatch of print, but the matter at issue is simple, although the content may be complex.
However, despite all that push and action, there remains a huge gap between the enthusiasm of the protagonists and the reluctant behaviour of large swatches of manufacturing.
When a planning application comes in, the register is compared to the application rather like a swatch of curtain material against a paint sample and—hey presto—the greenfield site is saved.
Each participant was presented with a total of 20 color swatches one at a time and had to rate the color on 10 different emotions.
The further a display device deviates from these standards, the less accurate these swatches will be.
Designs of the fine-cut hooking genre use more fine shading accomplished by overdyeing wool in gradated color swatches.
Next she demonstrated the construction of the stitches by the creation of swatches that readers would make to practice.

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Each theme can contain up to 26 unique color swatches, each of which consists of a header bar, content body, and button states.
His people and animals in compositions are often impressionistic swatches, yet his formal portraits are done with the care and skill of a near master.
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