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Đang xem: Speciality là gì, nghĩa của từ speciality

The company”s speciality in the North American market means it is some way ahead of its nearest rival.
The clash between the two generations of doctors that we examined in this article, was thus in part an epistemic clash between specialities.
The directory usually has a simple interface for the user and specialities may be chosen from an index or searched with keywords.
Most local historians will sympathise with this scepticism, for they know the variety of local farming specialities.
Rising expectations of patients are proving to be a challenge to doctors in all specialities, and paediatric cardiology is not immune to this.
Research that has examined existing teamworking across and within the different nursing specialities of primary health care has identified common problems.
From time to time, in most specialities, it is necessary to record the current state of development in the elements being considered.
Your score should then be calculated based on; amount of cash, number of programmers, programmer specialities and speed of development (in relation to other players).
A restaurant with local specialities and a wine cellar with a wide choice of wines, especially those from the region, are included.
His own specialities and enthusiasms naturally come to the surface in the volume”s main chapters, particularly those involving seventeenth- and eighteenth-century string playing.
The techniques have been refined and the laser is now routinely used for treatment in many specialities including ophthalmology and surgery.
The next section of the book is devoted to following the whiplash trail around various medical specialities.
The commodities included craft items such as groundstone tools and painted gourds as well as agricultural specialities such as agave for fiber.

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There are, therefore, problematic issues associated with any nosology and demarcation of hospital specialities.
Each specialty operates within its own domain, with little integration of services across specialities, and they do not publish in common journals.
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Xem thêm: Tìm Hiểu Về Xi Lanh Là Gì ? Tìm Hiểu Về Xy Lanh Khí Nén Xy Lanh Khí Nén Là Gì

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