the direction in which the sun goes down in the evening, opposite to the east, or the part of an area or country that is in this direction:
In the US, the West is the part of the country west of the Mississippi river that only became developed in the late 1800s:

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Đang xem: Nghĩa của từ west là gì, Định nghĩa, ví dụ, giải thích nghĩa của từ wild west trong tiếng việt

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the direction where the sun goes down in the evening that is opposite east, or the part of an area or country which is in this direction:
The museum grounds contain an Indian tepee and a large, heavy wagon used by early 19th-century settlers of the West.

Xem thêm: Hệ Thống Wifi Mesh Là Gì – Ưu Nhược Điểm Của Mesh Wifi

The study area is surrounded by large expanses (>200 km) of mainly continuous forest to the west, north and east.
There was little natural differentiation on the west coast, and one place was as good as another for the establishment of a trading place.
The east has a longer history of settlement and is more urbanized than the west, which is somewhat of a frontier zone.
The severity of famine gradually increased in the east which slowly proceeded from west through the decades.
Despite this, historians continue to attribute the emergence of new forms of governance to a clash of cultures between east and west.
This local rotation causes water columns to the east and west to move southward and northward, respectively.
Adjacent to active border faults to the east and west, sheet- and debris flow-dominated alluvial boulder conglomerates accumulated.
As one moves west, however, the natural ground surface decreases in elevation due to natural drainage patterns.
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Các từ thường được sử dụng cùng với west.

The other subterranean conduit runs parallel to, and approximately 200 m due west of, the one just described.

Xem thêm: ” Điêu Ngoa Là Gì ? Nói Điêu Là Sao? Nghĩa Của Từ Điêu Ngoa

This work located a vaulted structure buried intact under the west flank of the later massive temple construction.
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