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Đang xem: Nghĩa của từ unclaimed là gì, Định nghĩa, ví dụ, giải thích

The proposed bill requires transfer of unclaimed deposits to the state Environmental Protection Fund.
Not only was a large increase in benefits obtained, but people mentioning health problems were significantly more likely to be entitled to unclaimed benefits.
In years without profit, or with low profit, the tax-free allowance would otherwise be left partly or completely unclaimed.
By the 1990s there was no longer any unclaimed land, and the only free-access grazing was on the borders of a national park.
Additional financial and non-financial resources were obtained by accessing previously unclaimed state-welfare benefits.
Some of the murkiest issues for historians are those that involve the initial acquisition of previously unclaimed property.
As much of the colonization of the area occurred by the 1970s and there are no unclaimed lands remaining in the watershed this is not a surprising result.
On the tabanca level, the eldest man of the founding lineage has the power to allocate to each household unclaimed land on flood plains and at higher elevations.
He was thought to be pocketing 10 or 20 rupees a day just from unclaimed property recovered from the streets and supposed to be sold for the public purse.
As new communities grew, and hierarchies of power sprang up, colonial appointed chiefs would claim control over specific tracts of unclaimed land, requiring newcomers to obtain permission to build.
In addition, it is possible that landlords may succeed in an attempt to show that incoming tenants are liable for past unclaimed casualties.
However, the most recent figures suggest that between 800,000 and 1.1 million pensioners have an unclaimed entitlement to income support.

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It is not possible to quantify the total value of unclaimed benefits by appointee health authorities.
The additional cost of such a scheme would vary according to the amount of unclaimed tax credit in any one year.
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