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Đang xem: Nghĩa của từ tranquilizer là gì, nghĩa của từ tranquilizer, tranquilizer

He had several therapy courses involving tranquilizers, antidepressants, antipsychotic drugs, behavior therapy and group therapy, but with very limited success.
Other extracts from periwinkle help lower blood sugar in diabetics and are the basis for powerful tranquilizers.
Acetorphine was developed for the same purpose as etorphine itself, namely as a strong tranquilizer for use in immobilizing large animals in veterinary medicine.
The detectives found no listening devices, but did find a bag of used hypodermic syringes and vials of pharmaceutical grade tranquilizers.
Many types of rauwolfia were employed by jungle shamans centuries before our medical men thought of tranquilizers.
Other significant drugs include opium and tranquilizers, which are currently being used by a quarter of all respondents.
The term bromide derives from the antiquated use of bromide salts in medicine as mild tranquilizers and sedatives.
At the zoo, a makeshift tranquilizer created from several narcotic drugs is used to put the cougar to sleep.
Alcohol is such a central respiratory depressant in large doses; so are opiates, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and many other tranquilizers.
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