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Đang xem: Nghĩa của từ steady là gì, nghĩa của từ steady, từ steady là gì

steady flow/stream/trickle Over the last 10 years he has produced a steady flow of successful new designs.
The logic behind that has been greatly reinforced by the subsequent fall in the value of sterling, even though that value has recently steadied.
There was a significant increase in the number of women in employment between 1973 and 1989, after which participation rates steadied.
To take an extreme case, a tired person might drive better rather than worse if he had revived or steadied himself with a single whisky.
They are so frightened that they are not prepared to behave in the way they would behave if only their nerves could be steadied slightly.
Developments over the last 10 days indicate that the market is settling down and prices have steadied.
If we could have done so it would have got more men employment and would have steadied the rundown in the industry.
No sooner will she have steadied on that course for a further five years when again the thunder of boots will be heard overhead.
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Xem thêm: Tia Ló Là Gì – Phản Xạ Toàn Phần





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Xem thêm: Đặc Điểm Và Công Dụng Của Đá Hộc Là Gì ? Ứng Dụng Của Đá Hộc Trong Xây Dựng

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