information based on a study of the number of times something happens or is present, or other numerical facts:
According to official statistics, the Japanese work longer hours than workers in most other industrialized countries.

Đang xem: Statistics là gì, phân loại thống kê các thông số trong thống kê mô tả


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Nâng cao vốn từ vựng của bạn với English Vocabulary in Use từọc các từ bạn cần giao tiếp một cách tự tin.

Xem thêm: 10 Kinh Nghiệm Phun Xăm Môi Là Gì, Những Điều Bạn Cần Biết Trước Khi Phun Môi

crime/employment/economic statistics The latest employment statistics portray California as only narrowly avoiding a recession.
government/federal/official statistics Government statistics released yesterday painted a hopeful picture of the labour market.

Xem thêm: Tra Từ: Khung Thương Khung Là Gì ? Đấu Phá Thương Khung

statistics show/indicate/suggest sth The current statistics show prices have heated up strongly this year.
the science of collecting and studying numbers that give information about particular situations or events:
By this time the statistics were not broken down by race (although, interestingly, the tribal breakdown remained).
Diagnostics – providing information on battery status, mode of operation and performance statistics.
Several different options based in classical statistics have been suggested to incorporate this uncertainty into health economic analysis.
The costs have been taken from public statistics, internal reports, data output, and other statistics available in the field.
A review of prescription statistics shows a reduction from 1997 to 1999, especially among those older than 75 years, particularly in women.
The temporal structure of adaptation and, hence, of cor tical activity, depends on the statistics of stimulus and noise.
The total consumption was then compared with import figures from the trade statistics to see whether the data was reliable.






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