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Đang xem: Nghĩa của từ : stat là gì trong tiếng việt? stat có nghĩa là gì

The stats of the horses are nearly halfway, yet these horses age quicker than normal computer bred counterparts.
But he does author every two-page team preview himself, and he crams stats, facts and figures into every nook and cranny.
The update included several bug fixes which removed glitches in several multiplayer maps and player movements, and provided more information in the stats display.
These offer exclusive set bonuses to increase player stats and can be identified on other characters by sparkles emitting from their body.
Constantly sprinting will affect the players movements and will have an adverse effect on his stats, with passes going awry and a loss of pace.
The base stats of all warriors are strength, intelligence, dexterity, charisma, finding skill, and life.
The player will modify existing stats and add new ones, usually by spending experience points or when gaining a new experience level.
Players now have a selection of 8 characters to choose from, each character”s stats and starting equipment being different from one another.
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