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Đang xem: Transcend là gì, (từ Điển anh transcend in vietnamese

Some chapters remain mired in highly technical language, while others fail to transcend the limited social, cultural contexts of their studies.
The mysticism of religion that is already supposed to transcend logic and rules is a theoretical equal to regulated political incommensurability.
Linguistic control systems enable human beings to transcend individual experience and allow the contemplation of possibilities that never have been, and never could be, experienced.
The opponents of the project emphasized that their campaign was not “political”, namely, that the issue they promoted transcended party politics.
Their efforts are most apparent in songs and picturisations which attempt to both exploit and transcend the limits of convention.
No single party was able to transcend limited constituencies based on religion, ethnicity, language, or region.
The contributors included in this volume provide evidence, they suggest, that ” later life is a configuration of experiences that transcends stereotypes ” (p. 7).
An ambition that does not transcend explanation embodies (perhaps unintentionally) a conservative disposition.
But does beauty reside in the complex shadowing of poetry, or is it in the music”s celebration of order transcended?
Does the standard by which one judges what is good or better lie within one culture, or does it transcend all cultures?
It is the fuel of the other, ” higher” existence the narrator longs for, a life that transcends historical time and space by ignoring it.
The attempt to transcend particularism by replacing the idea of national identity with the concept of liberal citizenship does not, therefore, succeed.
Testing and endeavouring to transcend these comfortable polarities is essential if we are to reach a nuanced understanding.

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This coalescence transcended national boundaries and set itself against the social costs of colonial rule.
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a person employed by a newspaper, a television station, etc. to report on a particular subject or send reports from a foreign country

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