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Đang xem: Nghĩa của từ vinaigrette là gì, salad dressing là gì? cách làm salad dressing

In some regions, cubed bread is soaked in vinegar and blended with the other ingredients, which creates an emulsion somewhat similar to a vinaigrette.
Examples of emulsions include vinaigrettes, milk, mayonnaise, and some cutting fluids for metal working.
Balsamic vinaigrette is made by adding a small amount of balsamic vinegar to a simple vinaigrette of olive oil and wine vinegar.
Originally, the term vinegret denoted any mixture of diced cooked vegetables dressed with vinaigrette.
It is usually served with a side of yogurt and a type of lemon and olive oil vinaigrette seasoned with garlic and dried mint.
Each chain is mounted with a useful household appendage such as scissors, thimble, watch, key, vinaigrette, household seal, etc.
Vinaigrette is a mixture (emulsion) of salad oil and vinegar, often flavored with herbs, spices, salt, pepper, sugar, and other ingredients.
An example of this is seen in the separation of the oil and vinegar components of vinaigrette, an unstable emulsion that will quickly separate unless shaken almost continuously.
Vinaigrette made from sherry vinegar is particularly flavourful compared to vinagrette made from standard wine vinegar and matches well with many foods.
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