Nâng cao vốn từ vựng của bạn với English Vocabulary in Use từ gocnhintangphat.com.Học các từ bạn cần giao tiếp một cách tự tin.

Đang xem: Nghĩa của từ tinplate là gì, tinplate là gì, nghĩa của từ tinplate

Other factors which curtailed the opportunity for profits included many years of low sardine catches and wartime scarcities of other raw materials such as tinplate and oil.
The conversion value, the total value of a tin of biscuits to the value of the amount of tinplate in that tin is twenty-one times.
In the hardware and hollow-ware group of industries, which includes stoves, grates, bedsteads, tinplate goods, etc.
Overshadowing all other problems—with regard to coal, building and industry generally—there is the cloud which has arisen in connection with the steel and tinplate trade.
Let me give some more to show in detail how this rather ridiculed export of tinplate is used to bring food here.
The steel employer sells the tin-plate bar by weight, and you have to work the tinplate bars out at a certain weight per foot.
I am not talking about raw tin, but about tinplate; that is, about what is put round so-called tin cans.
Without sulphuric acid we cannot have tinplate because unless sheet steel is dipped in sulphuric acid it cannot be coated with tin.
In the past eighteen months, five tinplate and steel mills have closed down there, involving 1,700 people.
Those materials are tinplate, horticultural cardboard used for making nonreturnable containers, and lids for returnable containers, lead foil and waxed paper.
But perhaps the most vital and enterprising elements in the tinplate industry are the independent firms.
In addition, other countries that were previous importers of tinplate produce at least part of their own needs.

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Let us ensure that the processing industry does not come to a standstill simply because we have exported tinplate.
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