He”s the author of several hugely successful children”s books (= books which have been bought by a lot of people).

Đang xem: Successful là gì, successful trong tiếng tiếng việt


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Nâng cao vốn từ vựng của bạn với English Vocabulary in Use từ gocnhintangphat.com.Học các từ bạn cần giao tiếp một cách tự tin.

The nearer that this model is approached, the more successful a purely quantitative approach will be, as in drug trials.
Another is that competition, even if successful in reducing tariffs, will marginally affect the households bills.
The pilot was ultimately successful in that we identified a large number of research and policy gaps and suggestions for clinical guidelines.
These suggestions correspond with the problems communicated by the physicians and are, thus, likely to be more successful.
Unlike a nephrology consult, successful ethical practice does not easily fit in the consultative paradigm: it requires more than a 15-minute discussion.
Infants typically experienced more or less successful outcomes depending on the nature and quality of their interaction patterns with their caregivers.
He considers that, by and large, it was successful in accomplishing what its progenitors wanted it to accomplish.
The rise of labour militancy was perhaps the most important trend towards successful utilisation of non-violent action.
In this study, the searches for life expectancy data were particularly successful in terms of offering a relatively high precision.
A successful grasp is typically accomplished by reasonably satisfying all of these constraints together, which is not always possible.
A really successful ethical consultant should be able to provide some directions for further growth and development.
I hope that this will help to explain the many and various definitions of the concept of successful ageing.

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Theories with a narrow domain are always subject to revision based on successful scientific practice.
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a female bee that cannot produce young but collects food for the other bees that it lives with

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