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Đang xem: Subdivision là gì, nghĩa của từ subdivision, từ subdivision là gì

a group of houses built together in a planned way, often by the government in order to provide houses for people to rent or buy at a low cost:
The surfaces generated by subdivision schemes on such nets are no longer restricted to bivariate functions, and they can represent surfaces of arbitrary topology.
Significantly positive values indicate an excess of intermediate-frequency variants, which may reflect balancing selection or population subdivision.
The basic types of movement and energetic profiles of the latter are also reflected in the way structure is articulated, determining sections and their subdivisions.
Additionally, however, as we discuss below our analysis points to important subdivisions within each “type” of engagement.
The reorganisation of landscape and settlement was accompanied by the increasing subdivision of domestic space.
Although there is a subdivision into ” exhaustive ” (contrastive) and ” non-exhaustive ” foci, these are functionally so close that the universal applies to both types alike.
One issue is the computation of limit values and limit derivatives of the subdivision process at the dyadic points of any refinement level.
A generic estimation of population subdivision using distances between alleles with special reference for microsatellite loci.
The subdivision of spectral space into incremental steps that are deployed in intervallic combinations – a sub-category of spectral space.
This figure represents our present understanding of the subdivisions of the sensory cortex of the ferret.

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a female bee that cannot produce young but collects food for the other bees that it lives with

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