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Đang xem: State school là gì, từ vựng về trường học (phần

Every child in a normal state school, and in some independent schools, was routinely tested at ages 7, 9 and 11.
The state school system was charged with the critical task of producing such doubly suitable candidates.
In other publications such as magazines and academic articles, the word appears with and witfiout a capital, as in “state school“, “state selection” and “state party secretary”.
For example, the state school available might not be suitable on religious grounds for a child coming out of the private system.
To publish annual performance tables of this key stage is an essential feature of the state school system.
She and her sister found it dashed hard to learn at the state school because it was made hard for them to do so.
In 2002–03, a total £900,000 of departmental funding was spent on the independent/ state school partnerships grant scheme.
It represents an excellent working partnership between the state school and a private enterprise initiative.
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